Professional Print Portfolios
Most portfolios are digital, but sometimes they are made to print by professionals to submit when applying for a grant or award. There may also be print of the Studio's Portfolio on hand to show clients. It can be helpful to make a printed portfolio that is easy to update and change.
Here are some examples from the book:
Here are some examples from the book:
- Skolos-Wedell - case designed to be durable and not show wear from being handled. They include process work and paper samples. They use a barn door style design to but images into different relationships to each other as the pages are turned.
- Stoltze - they maintain several different portfolios that are usually customized to the client
- Deborah Norcross - CD designer for Warner Bros. Her book is professional and complete
- Melle Hammer - From the Netherlands. Keeps his content up to date with his current projects and explains the setting whenever possible. He uses inexpensive black and white photocopies with a simple binding and he likes to present them unpolished
- Rebeca Mendez - professor at UCLA Design Media. Her portfolio has her most recent work and catalogs for the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. It is a manufactured linen-covered box that is simple but well made