Reading #8

Professional Print Portfolios

Most portfolios are digital, but sometimes they are made to print by professionals to submit when applying for a grant or award. There may also be print of the Studio's Portfolio on hand to show clients. It can be helpful to make a printed portfolio that is easy to update and change.

Here are some examples from the book:

  • Skolos-Wedell - case designed to be durable and not show wear from being handled. They include process work and paper samples. They use a barn door style design to but images into different relationships to each other as the pages are turned.
  • Stoltze - they maintain several different portfolios that are usually customized to the client 
  • Deborah Norcross - CD designer for Warner Bros. Her book is professional and complete
  • Melle Hammer - From the Netherlands. Keeps his content up to date with his current projects and explains the setting whenever possible. He uses inexpensive black and white photocopies with a simple binding and he likes to present them unpolished
  • Rebeca Mendez - professor at UCLA Design Media. Her portfolio has her most recent work and catalogs for the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. It is a manufactured linen-covered box that is simple but well made

Project 3 - Roller Derby Merch

The style of the target audience
 Visual research 

Here are some examples of Merch Table Setups:

These are old class projects that I am basing this current project on:

I sketched this in 2011 for my Character Development Class

I made this in 2010 on Adobe Illustrator for my Advanced Typography class

Summer sketchbook

Reading #7



  • mini portfolio mailers, made the size of a padded envelope. a screw holds them together to make a fan of samples
  • many promotional items can be very inexpensive

Books and Monographs

  • monograph = self-published book of your own work
  • expensive, time consuming, and difficult to sell 


  • Can be easy for art directors to store, and less intrusive than a PDF


  • easy to make and update - can be cheaper than a website
  • a good choice if you are working with large format work 
  • some designers think that print portfolios are a thing of the past and that work can be presented just as well digitally

Project 2 - Illustrated Zoo Posters

Images from past Zoo Lights events
Here is a link to the web page:

Here is an example of a poster series were previously created for the zoo.

These are examples of some ad posters and coupons that the zoo has already made
original illustration for the giraffe poster

original illustration for the turtle poster

original illustration for the chinchilla poster

sketch #1 for first poster

sketch #2 for first poster

Reference neon images

Giraffe Poster 1st Draft

Chinchilla Poster 1st Draft 

Turtle Poster 1st Draft

My first try at making a neon effect

neon chinchilla test 

layout sketches
Turtle with Santa hat 

giraffe with ornaments

chinchilla with candy cane

Chinchilla Poster 1st Draft

Giraffe Poster 1st Draft

Turtle Poster 1st Draft